Coloring Page Tuesday - Happy New Year!

     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted and to view more coloring pages - click here!
     Here comes 2008! I am really looking forward to this new year, how about you?
    2008 will see the release of my picture books: Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante (Raven Tree Press); Oscar the Badger (MacAdam Cage Publishers); Ready for Bed, and Ready for the Day (both from Free Spirit Publishing); The Snake Bit Rake Handle (Houghton Mifflin); and Pop Got a Hit (Harcourt) - *whew*!
    Whereas 2007 was all b.i.c. (butt in chair) work, in 2008 I'll be doing a lot of book promotion visiting schools, bookstores, and events - I can't wait!
    I'm also diving into writing my second YA novel, "Copper" (wip title). Maybe I'll share more about my writing process on my blog . . . hmmm. Interested?
     Anyhow, click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     Learn more about my fun picture book Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese - click the cover.

Illustration Friday: Soar

     This is a bit of an experiment. I'm posting to IF from a remote location on my laptop. (Very remote actually - a cabin in the North Georgia mountains!) I couldn't figure out how to size it down to a 50x50 pixel thumbnail using iPhoto, although I was able to crop it. Anyhow, no thumbnail until I get home.
     In the heart of every pig is the desire to soar.
     I created this guy a while back (but never posted him for Illustration Friday), so the URL already existed. Let's see how this works out.
     Hope everybody had a great holiday!

Coloring Page Tuesday! - Too Many Presents!

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     I couldn't leave you high and dry on Christmas day! So here's a quickie of Santa trying to handle too many presents!
     How about you? Did you get too many gifts? Is that possible?
     Well, if you somehow find yourself with nothing to do on Christmas day (ha!) give this old guy some color.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

Learn about my good parenting picture books, Ready for Bed and Ready for the Day - click the covers!

Look at this great coloring job - thanks for playing Alisa!

Norad Santa Tracker

     Want to track how close Santa is to your chimney? Visit the Santa tracker at NORAD. They've been doing this since 1955, so they have the skinny on the big guy!
     Curious about how NORAD started tracking Santa? Go here for the whole story.

Illustration Friday: horizon and Merry Christmas!

     Good things are on the horizon! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. (To view my Christmas wishes larger - click the image.)
     And here's hoping we all have a happy and peaceful New Year too!
     If you'd like to be alerted when my new books come out in 2008 (I have six!), sign up for my newsletter:

Santa's Blog!

Did you know that Santa has a blog? He's hip with the 21st century, so go check it out! He also has fun activities at his main website,, which I must say is beautifully designed. Enjoy!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Christmas Mice

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     What is it about mice? People see them in person and scream, but as art people say, "Awwww!" Well, I happen to love mice either way. Especially when they're brilliant enough to properly decorate a Christmas Tree!
     (Look for the mice who get into all sorts of trouble in my first picture book, The Prince's Diary.)
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     Learn about my bilingual picture book Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante - click the cover.

Illustration Friday: Backwards

     Yet another from Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante (I love that my publisher lets me share). Paco is getting so close I can almost taste it - PICOSOS!
     I've been busy planning events to celebrate its release this spring. If you'd like me to visit your school/festival/event go under "visits" and get in touch!
     Here Paco's cow wants to back up and go home, not be traded for a costal of magical semillas!
     Click the image to see it larger.

Good news - Oscar the Badger!

     I signed the contracts yesterday - "Oscar the Badger" is a go! Written by Karin Slaughter (yes, that Karin Slaughter), it will be published by MacAdam Cage Publishers (publisher of my picture book, Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese), and should come out in Fall of 2008 - wippee!!!
     So Hubbie and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate, and I ordered a salad for dinner... but then I had two glasses of wine which made me throw all caution to the wind so we ordered the bread pudding. And then our lovely waiter, who knew we were celebrating, brought us two glasses of champagne!
     Oh yeah, we did it up RIGHT! And oh yeah, I'm paying for it today...
     But y'know, you've got to celebrate when you jump the hurdles in this business. So often we have our sites set so far ahead, it's easy to forget to acknowledge the hurdles we have jumped that we once thought we never would.
     Cynthia Leitich Smith said it well in an interview at Through the Tollbooth:
"I have found that it helps to celebrate every victory no matter how small.
You finished your draft? Celebrate!
You received a personal rejection letter? Celebrate!
Your workshop leader says your story arc is stronger?
An agent asks for the whole manuscript?
You’ve sold your first book? Your fiftieth?
Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!"
Allow yourself to be happy! Be your own best cheerleader!
     So yeah, I'm celebratin' baby! And I'll let you know more about Oscar soon. In the mean time - Woohooooo!!!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Tired Santa

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     I imagine Santa gets awfully tired about this time of year - all that work figuring out who's been naughty and who's been nice!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     Learn about my bilingual picture book Paco and the Giant Chile Plant ~ Paco y la planta de chile gigante - click the cover.

The Golden Compass!

Yes, it's worth it. You must go.
I see maybe two or three movies (in the theater) a year anymore. This was my favorite this year by leaps and bounds. It was so well done, truly. Lovers of "His Dark Materials" will not be disappointed. In fact you may be delighted when you see the imagination that went into some of the gadgets and gizmos. Different, new, and believable. The fictional characters were so well done, that I found myself equally moved by them. And I'm sorry, but Sam Elliott is still the sexiest man alive.
Anyhow, this one is worth getting off your couch for!

Illustration Friday: Little Things

Okay, this is driving me crazy. I have the most perfect illustration to share for this week's theme . . . but it hasn't been published yet, so I can't. ARGHHHH!!!
Slower than molasses in winter. Yup. That's how this business moves. Seems to anyhow.
So, I'm sharing my "bald fairy" instead. He's just a little guy, with a little hair, and a little bent for mischief.

Hey Ya and Charlie Brown . . .

Two of my favorite things together at last (click the image). It's amazing how well they work together and it just makes me happy!
Thanks to Brooklyn Arden for the heads up!

Fuse #8 and the Qwikpick Adventure Society!

     Well, I am the luckiest girl! Elizabeth Bird, New York librarian and famed author of Fuse #8, sometimes gives out review copies of books after she's had a chance to read them. I've put my name in the hat several times, but today I scored!
     Elizabeth is sending me my very own copy of The Qwikpick Adventure Society by Sam Riddgleburger!
     I've seen this book at my local indie and been intrigued, but Sam has especially been on my radar lately. Have you seen his awesome blog post to create oragami Christmas ornaments advertising Robert's Snow (Blog for a Cure!)? What a dude!
     So, I can't wait to receive the book and I'll have to report back with a review!
     Thank you Ms. Bird!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Menora

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     This Tuesday we have a bonus coloring image, because not everybody celebrates Christmas. Today kicks off Hannukah. Color in the flames with each day of celebration!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

Learn about my good parenting picture books, Ready for Bed and Ready for the Day - click the covers!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Christmas Stocking

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted and to view more coloring pages - click here!

     I receive such nice emails from people who are using my coloring pages (and my stats go nuts every Tuesday when I load a new one), but so few of you are sending me back your colored art. Don't be shy! I'd love to see what your stocking looks like. Does it have stripes, dots, stars?
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version of my stocking, or send a picture of your favorite stocking! (Low resolution .jpg, smaller than 300 pixels please.) I'll post it here and share it with the world!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

Update: To make it easier for you to send your images, I'm simplifying the requirements. Please make sure your image is less than 1mb and email it to!

     Learn more about my fun picture book Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese - click the cover.

Look what Irene made! is back!

     Well, I managed to back up my blog, my website, and change over to a new server with my hosting company without blowing anything up or losing any information - WHEW!!
     So, is back, new and improved, although it doesn't look ANY different. I have lots more room to share art and coloring pages easily.
     I'd like to thank the amazing customer support at my awesome hosting company,, especially Marc who spent no less than 45 minutes with me on the phone this weekend literally walking me through everything, not to mention his helpful emails.
     If you're in the market for a new hosting provider, I HIGHLY recommend them!

     As you have probably guessed, I am completely obsessed with books – their writers, their illustrators, their creators, the process, everything. So, while I illustrate I am often either listening to an audiobook, listening or watching authors at book festivals and signings, or following book trailers.
     Well, this is my latest discovery, These are book trailers (mostly adult books vs. children's lit) which seem to be more focused on the authors than the actual stories within the books. Most are interesting and fun to see. However, this one with wrestler Chris Jericho is a complete kick in the pants - hilarious! If it weren't for the mile high stack of YA's next to my bed, I'd be sorely tempted to read his book.
     I couldn't get the embed to work, so swallow your coca-cola (I warn you - you're screen will be a mess if you don't), then go take a gander.

Technical Difficulties . . . may experience some technical difficulties this weekend as I have to upgrade my hosting service to handle all you lovely visitors. I'll be backing up my site and my blog, so there's a chance subscribers to my blog may receive some strange emails during this transition (like repeats of old blog posts). I apologize for any confusion or trouble in advance.
     Now, let's see if I can do this without blowing anything up!

     As you have probably guessed, I am completely obsessed with books – their writers, their illustrators, their creators, the process, everything. So, while I illustrate I am often either listening to an audiobook, listening or watching authors at book festivals and signings, or following book trailers.
     Well, this is my latest discovery, These are book trailers (mostly adult books vs. children's lit) which seem to be more focused on the authors than the actual stories within the books. Most are interesting and fun to see. However, this one with wrestler Chris Jericho is a complete kick in the pants - hilarious! If it weren't for the mile high stack of YA's next to my bed, I'd be sorely tempted to read his book.
     I couldn't get the embed to work, so swallow your coca-cola (I warn you - you're screen will be a mess if you don't), then go take a gander.

Illustration Friday: Excess

This is a sketch from my picture book dummy "Lula's Brew."

     The Aunties dished up Lula’s brew
     as people slurped like hogs.
     “Ymmm,” they oohed and “Mmmm,” they cooed
     and grinned like happy frogs.

I have to say, it's getting tough to come up with new art for IF. I'm illustrating like crazy, but it's all under contract and I'm not permitted to share just yet. (I know, nice problem to have, eh?) I'll keep contributing as long as I can.

Illustration Friday: Excess

This is a sketch from my picture book dummy "Lula's Brew."

     The Aunties dished up Lula’s brew
     as people slurped like hogs.
     “Ymmm,” they oohed and “Mmmm,” they cooed
     and grinned like happy frogs.

I have to say, it's getting tough to come up with new art for IF. I'm illustrating like crazy, but it's all under contract and I'm not permitted to share just yet. (I know, nice problem to have, eh?) I'll keep contributing as long as I can.

Lolly, lolly . . .

I was reminded this morning of those great shorts created by Schoolhouse Rock. Remember those? "Lolly, lolly, lolly get your adverbs here." And "The Preamble"? And "I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill." And "Conjunction Junction."
Gads they were great, weren't they?
Well, they're still around. You can buy them on DVD and listen to snippets of those classics online (which I am still known to sing when nobody can hear me . . . okay, when they can hear me too). Go to the Schoolhouse Rock website!

Lolly, lolly . . .

I was reminded this morning of those great shorts created by Schoolhouse Rock. Remember those? "Lolly, lolly, lolly get your adverbs here." And "The Preamble"? And "I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill." And "Conjunction Junction."
Gads they were great, weren't they?
Well, they're still around. You can buy them on DVD and listen to snippets of those classics online (which I am still known to sing when nobody can hear me . . . okay, when they can hear me too). Go to the Schoolhouse Rock website!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Angel

     Badabing, badaboom. We're on to the next holiday of the season - Christmas! Expect theme-related coloring pages the next few weeks. We'll start with a pretty angel.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send it back (small and low res) and I'll post it.
     For more coloring pages, go here
     Learn more about my fun picture book Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese - click the cover.

Please follow my copyright policy when you use my images! And share your creation on the Coloring Page Tuesday facebook page!

Coloring Page Tuesday - Angel

     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted and to view more coloring pages - click here!
     Badabing, badaboom. We're on to the next holiday of the season - Christmas! Expect theme-related coloring pages the next few weeks. We'll start with a pretty angel.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color.
If you'd like me to post your creation on my blog, please make sure your image is less than 1 mb and email it to me at:!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     Learn about my Cinderella story picture book, The Prince's Diary, click the cover.

Charlotte's Mom is a card-maker, so Charlotte colored the Angel and together they made it into a lovely card - isn't it cute!?

and here's a card by Patti.Jo in Minnesota:

Caught Snowflake!

     If you read below, my snowflake, "Give a Little Push," was in the first round of auctions for Robert's Snow.
     LindaBudz was kind enough to leave a comment that she is the "winner" of my snowflake! She blogged about it as well.
     Linda made the highest bid for my snowflake, so this was an expensive "win," but Linda's generosity will go towards funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Research Institute, a highly worthwhile cause.
     Linda, thanks so much for your kind words about my work, but especially for helping raise money to find a cure for cancer. I can't think of a better way to kick off a season of good cheer. My warmest wishes for a happy holiday go out to you, your family, and your new little nephew.
     I'm so pleased my snowflake found a great home.

Caught Snowflake!

     If you read below, my snowflake, "Give a Little Push," was in the first round of auctions for Robert's Snow.
     LindaBudz was kind enough to leave a comment that she is the "winner" of my snowflake! She blogged about it as well.
     Linda made the highest bid for my snowflake, so this was an expensive "win," but Linda's generosity will go towards funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Research Institute, a highly worthwhile cause.
     Linda, thanks so much for your kind words about my work, but especially for helping raise money to find a cure for cancer. I can't think of a better way to kick off a season of good cheer. My warmest wishes for a happy holiday go out to you, your family, and your new little nephew.
     I'm so pleased my snowflake found a great home.

Coloring Page Tuesday - Turkey Day

     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted and to view more coloring pages - click here!

     The day of excessive eating draws near. Are your elastic waist-banded pants clean? Have you selected a nice gravy-colored shirt to wear so drooling and spillage are less obvious? Perhaps you just go straight to the bib action.
     Whatever you do, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! (And a nice box of alka-seltzer at easy reach.)
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color.
If you'd like me to post your creation on my blog, please make sure your image is less than 1 mb and email it to me at:!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     Learn more about my fun picture book Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese - click the cover.