The Stacks by Scholastic

As publishers scramble to find their place in this new digital reading environment, Scholastic has created something very interesting, and maybe very smart. It's called The Stacks. It's still in beta, but it's a safe place for kids to gather, find books to read, games to play, create a fun profile and chat about books on message boards. In other words, it's got just about everything a young reader could want.
     The limitation is, of course, The Stacks will only be offering books Scholastic publishes (I think) but they're a big house and that's still an enormous selection.
     If you check it out, will you report back and let us know what you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    I’m the editor and one of the writers for the STACKS. I want to say thank you for your kind words about THE STACKS, and note that our Ink Splot 26 blog is a great place for kids to get the latest news and to comment about all books, not just Scholastic ones. We really appreciate you sharing our site with your readers. Thanks!

    Editor, Scholastic

  3. Very cool Sonja - thanks for stopping by!

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thanks for mentioning this, my daughter is looking at it right now. She was very excited to see all the options.
