Coloring Page Tuesday - Mermaid

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     Why a mermaid today? I just felt like drawing something swirly. Enjoy!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send me your colored version (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!
     For more coloring pages, go here.

     OMG, this just cracked me up!! Look what CherylAnn Boothe made for a friend's daughter (turning 1 year old). Recognize the mermaid? Seems a shame to let a 1 year old dive into such a piece of art, but well, I'd be right there with 'em - it looks yummy! Fantastic CherylAnn - thanks for sharing!

     Learn more about my fun picture book Glitter Girl and the Crazy Cheese - click the cover.

Wow, wow. Look at what Lorraine made for her granddaughter! And thanks to her friend Keziah for sending it in!

There's more! Kristi sent in a photo of her family working on a poster-sized version of my mermaid for her daughter's birthday party. Makes me smile!


  1. This quilt is sooo sweet! Perfect for a little girl. I am going to use it for a Thank you note for some great service at my local AT&T agent store. So many thanks Elizabeth for the wonderful coloring pages you so very kindly offer.
    I forward your email last week with the puzzle/game. The response I received was that the recipient was addicted to the game other words, he loved the game/puzzle! Thanks again!

  2. Such a cute and fun mermaid drawing! Thank you! We used it as the theme for my daughter's birthday party. It was on the invitations, blown up poster-sized for a decoration, and sent home as a coloring page for the guests.

  3. Kristi - please share photos if you have them - I'd love to add them to my blog! :) e

  4. Hi Elizabeth:
    Thanks for add my card (using the Mermaid image) to the newsletter... I love your images.
