Storyteller Night at Briarlake Elementary School!

     Wowsa does it make you feel good to pull up to a school with a sign like this outside...

and a sign like this inside...

     It can also be a bit intimidating, especially knowing I was following a very talented author/storyteller from last year's Storyteller Night.
     After the day's inauguration festivities and the cold weather I was incredibly flattered to have such a great crowd. My hosts set me up right! (Thank you guys!) The kids gathered around me and we had so much fun! Their librarian had read all my books to her students and they were quite familiar with the details I hide throughout. (The main one is Bernie - a lesser known one is the flower I often put on shirt fronts).
     Can I tell you, there is nothing like talking to a prepared audience? The kids were excited and knew their stuff. Briarlake is lucky to have a dedicated librarian instilling a love for books and reading in their students. (I benefitted as well!)

     I often have the kids play "telephone" to demonstrate how stories change and evolve as they move between generations and continents, but last night I had about 20-30 kids line up for the exercise! So, we adapted... and it worked out really well!
     I read Paco and the Giant Chile Plant, drew a yellow Rosebud, and shared a bit about the life of an illustrator. The kids were eager with questions and comments throughout the presentation. There even may have been some budding artists and writers among them, maybe even a future president. (It was a very bright group.) Their parents seemed to have a good time as well and several thanked me afterwards - made my day.
     My visit to Briarlake was truly the epitome of what a good school visit can be - so much fun!

Update: A friend drove by the school today and said the marquis out front now reads "Renowned Storyteller Elizabeth O. Dulemba was Amazing!"
OMG - I am so unbelievably tickled by this!

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