My Marketing Strategy: The Snowball Effect at Cynsations!

Friday I had the honor of being a guest blogger at Cynthia Leitich Smith's Cynsations! She asked me to share my marketing strategy. And since I get a lot of questions from you guys about exactly that - I hope you'll go have a read:
Guest Post Elizabeth O. Dulemba on Marketing - The Snowball Effect.
     But that's not all! Cynthia is also giving away a signed copy of SOAP, SOAP, SOAP (all-English or Bilingual)! Click Here to enter the drawing! (Told ya there would be more giveaways!)
     Cynthia Leitich Smith is the author of the FABULOSO novels TANTALIZE and ETERNAL. (Click the titles to view some very cool book trailers.) As well as RAIN IS NOT MY INDIAN NAME and many others.

     Cynthia and I met at the SCBWI LA conference a few years back and I have so appreciated her support of my career. She's also one of the most popular bloggers on children's lit today. So look around and learn more about her!

     Click the cover to learn about my newest picture book, Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elizabeth,
    Loved your article. I'm doing Book Review Wedneday's on my blog and would love to review Soap...My snowball is about as big as a golf ball right now but maybe we could assist each other.
