SOAP reviewed in Criticas!

Remember I told you about the reopening of Criticas - the top and ONLY reviewers of Spanish and bilingual titles for English-speakers? (Librarians lean heavily on this resource.) Well, SOAP is in the latest edition and will be in the January issue of School Library Journal - woohoo!!!!

Type too small to read? CLICK here to read the Criticas Review online


  1. Outstanding review! Methinks you have a brand new blurb: "Dulemba exhibits exceptional talent..."
    Yes, yes, yes!

  2. Thanks! I was pretty pleased! And top o' the list too (well, with a picture anyhow) - yay!

  3. This is great! BTW, one of my son's vocabulary words this week was Jabon.

    I hope the good news just keeps on coming.
