Black Eyed Peas on New Year's Day

Here in the South we eat black-eyed-peas on New Years Day. I always heard that you made a buck in the following year for every pea you ate on New Years Day, so I always eat a lot of peas. (It helps that I love them. Add a little vinegar, yum!)
     But how's this for a new idea - Peas for Prosperity is a new organization selling peas to raise money for the Atlanta Community Food Bank. What a great idea!
     Why is this such a specifically Atlanta tradition? Well, it's connected to the Civil War and Sherman's march from Atlanta to Savannah. But you gotta go visit the site to read the whole story! (Scroll down, it's not very long.)


  1. Happy New Year E!!!!!!! I hope 2010 is a wonderful one for you!
