Library Lovers' Month!

Did you know that February is Library Lovers' Month? Yup. So how to celebrate? Well you could color a lovely reading-themed coloring page as a gift for your favorite librarian. You could read some wonderful quotes about libraries like:
"A library is a delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life."
- Norman Cousins
You could check out some great picture books that feature libraries like:

Bats At the Library by Brian Lies.

The Library Dragon by Carmen Deedy and Michael White.

The Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen and Kevin Hawkes.

OR you could just GO to your library. Breath it in, set a spell, check out a book and READ!!


  1. I love "The Library Lion"! I'm a librarian, and I read it every September to all the second graders at the two elementary schools in my area. I do this to promote Library Card Sign-Up Month. Wheee!

  2. Awesome! And I know the author read this, so she'll be happy to hear it too. :) e
