Newbery/Caldecott Male/Female Splits

Betsy Bird of Fuse #8 recently put a question to Peter Sieruta of "Collecting Children's Books" -
“Now I want Peter to determine whether or not it's true that men win more children's literary awards than women like folks always claim. Facts! I demand facts on the matter!”
Well, Peter did some studying and answered. Turns out more women have won the Newbery and more men have won the Caldecott by quite large spreads. Read "Sunday Brunch for a Foggy Morning" (scroll down past the book cover with the pig) to get the full statistics.
     It's an interesting split, but what does it all mean?

1 comment:

  1. Those are interesting facts. In the art, I'm not completely surprised. I remember in fine art the "masculine" qualities were applauded, and art that was deemed "too feminine" was put down. Perhaps there really is a masculine and feminine sensibility and expression in the visual arts, and, if so, the masculine is deemed worthier. Just don't ask me exactly what the differences are!

