Digital Magazines?

I am the featured author in GRAND magazine this month for SOAP, SOAP, SOAP!
     Have you seen this magazine? Even though it's for the more mature set, it is cutting edge in its delivery. You can check out an issue from their homepage at GRAND magazine and I highly recommend you do! If anything, check out the way their magazine looks like a regular layout but embraces animation, video, links, participation, etc. within their layout. They're really taking advantage of the new bells and whistles technology has to offer. I imagine some of these great ideas would translate well in ebooks!

     And since we're on the subject of magazines - here's a great peek at what WIRED magazine sees as the future of their medium. Pretty cool, eh?

Add to that this longer, but very interesting video from Bonnier: Mag+.
(Thanks to PublishingTalk for the heads up!)


  1. Congratulations on making the cover of Grand magazine. Going to check it out now!

  2. As the originator/administrator of the grand magazine site, I'm welcoming all of Elizabeth's readers to take advantage of this free promotion opportunity for their books. Please e-mail me at jimruns3@gmail. Jim Whiting

  3. Thanks Clara!

    And thanks Jim - I'll help spread the word!
