The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books

Is in its 3rd edition! And despite what you might think, it's actually one of the best books out there on the industry. It's written by an icon in our world - Harold Underdown of The Purple Crayon. And starting June 8th Harold is tweeting excerpts from the new book and giving away free copies. So follow Harold on twitter (hashtag #cigpcb) or visit his facebook announcement for details. But either way - get ye some learnin'!


  1. Hello Elizabeth

    I am trying to e-mail you but having problems. Can you please help.

    Many thanks


  2. Hi Irene,
    You can reach me at elizabeth at dulemba dot com or use the form on my "contact" page:

  3. Hey, thanks for your support, Elizabeth. By "despite what you might think" I guess you mean the title? Yes, I didn't choose it, but it's actually quite appropriate. It applies to ME, because when the publisher approached me to write it, I didn't realize just how much work it would be, and I said "yes."

    Now that it's done, I'm pleased that it's available, and with each new edition I try to make it even better, and keep on touch of new developments.

  4. Hi Harold! Glad you stopped by.
    Yes, I was referring to the title. There are several "for Dummies" books out there now, and while I am not familiar with the quality level of them on the whole, I know your book to be superb and recommend it whole-heartedly! :) e
