Hands, hands, hands

I know AT&T created their new ads hoping they will go viral - and so they must. Because they really are beautiful and creative. All were created using hands and a little paint... Go to The Creative AT&T Advertisements at Funzug.com to see them all.
     I'm wondering if this is the same artist I featured way back in 2007, Hand Painting - How Cool is That! - Guido Daniele. Or if Guido just started a movement. Hm!
     Thanks to Kevan Atteberry for the 'hands' up!


  1. Lovely and really creative!!! Thnks for sharing :) I have to show some of that stuff on my blog as well ;)

  2. Wow, that IS amazing. They just kept getting better and better.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It is Guido (I watched his video-- surreal listening to Italian being translated into Japanese, lol!) In the top video, it very briefly showed this image. Thanks for turning me onto this, wonderful stuff!
