The Book Tour for 12 Days continues!

THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IN GEORGIA is obviously a... Christmas book, so we are on one heck of a book tour up until the big day. I can proudly say, we're still standing! (Although just barely.) And we're still visiting some of the best independent bookstores in the state (within driving distance).
     I forgot to show you this great photo in my original Book Tour post... here I am with Teresa Rolfe Kravtin of Southern Territory Associates (our book sales rep) in a sled in Newnan. Teresa is the one responsible for most of this awesome book tour, so she gets lots of fuzzy love from me!

     Friday, T.K. Read hosted Susan and me during the Olde Town Conyers Christmas Party. If you didn't know, Conyers is charming!! We sang, I drew, we signed books. And then T.K., her daughter Rachel, Susan and I walked across the brick-paved street to the Irish pub where I had some of the best Shepherd's Pie evah!

     Monday, we attended the Atlanta Press Club's annual Author Holiday Party. I was honored to be invited back for a 3rd year (that usually doesn't happen) alongside Susan. Lauri Strauss (Executive Director) and Elaine Hudson (Assistant Director) wowed our socks off once again as this year's party was held in the old Macy's department store - chandeliers and all. Woosie.
     Best of all was signing alongside friends Vicky Alvear Shecter, Laurel Snyder, and Nate Evans. Here's what the line up looked like on our side of the room...

And here's Susan, me and Vicky Alvear Shecter with her latest book CLEOPATRA RULES.

     Tuesday I drove straight from Athens (where I'm teaching illustration this semester at the University of Georgia) to Gainesville and Hall Book Exchange. This is the most unassuming looking store from the outside... then you enter. Myra Meade has created a cozy space full of stories, and her patrons are no different.
     Everybody who came by for a book shared hilarious tales that had us rolling in laughter the entire time we were there. Meanwhile, Myra fed us cookies and apple cider. I tell you, it was a nice place to hang out.
     Even better, Myra says 12 Days is selling like hot cakes there - she's already on her third case! Gotta luv it!
Here I am with Myra and Susan...

Fellow author, Robyn Hood Black, also dropped by, which was a wonderful surprise.
     I can't stop staring at the yellow in Susan's hair contrasted with Robyn's purple and that awesome magenta shadow on the pink wall behind them... Yeah, so I'm an artist. What can I say? It's cool!

     If you can believe it, we're still not finished with the book tour! Here are the last stops...
Thursday, December 9: Little Shop of Stories, Decatur, 7:00 pm
Saturday, Decmber 10: Cathedral Bookstore, downtown Atlanta, 9:00 am; Decatur Library, 1:00 pm
Sunday, December 11: High Museum of Art, Atlanta, 1:00 pm

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SCHEDULE! I sure would love to see you if you can drop by!

It Keeps Going! Click here to read about the third and final stage of our Book Tour!


  1. Good lord, woman! I don't know how you guys are doing it. I'm impressed. Good luck tonight and this weekend!

  2. Still standing, still standing, feel great, no cold, nope. Healthy as an ox. Yup. Still standing...
    Stubborness, the best vitamin of all...

  3. Go Elizabeth Go! Cheering you on from the midwest! (Looks a little warmer in Georgia than it is here in Chicago -- we are wearing parkas!)

  4. Thanks Amy!
    Well, I think the high today is supposed to be 32° so I'm not sure we're that much warmer!

  5. This sounds very familiar, somehow.

    I have five events this week alone for The Twelve Days of Christmas in Arizona!

    It is fun!

  6. Looks like you were having such fun promoting The 12 Days of Christmas in Georgia! I am with you Ba Hum Bug go away cold weather!
