Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day

December 4th is the First Annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. What a great idea! For any stores who need help celebrating - please feel free to use my Coloring Pages! And y'all get thee to a bookstore!


  1. Hope everybody who went had fun! I was at my local indie in the morning--making puppets with my kids--and managed to hit a second in the afternoon. Too bad it couldn't be a trifecta, but it was still a great day.

    I thank you for getting the word out and helping make the day a hit! Please visit the site (http://takeyourchild.toabookstore.org) to take part in exciting plans for next year...


  2. Thanks Jenny! And I went to my local indie with my hubbie - does that count? :)

  3. Um, I think Stan could qualify as a child. He's always up for an adventure and he likes toys with wheels. Shhh... don't tell him I said that! ;0)

  4. Too late - he reads my blog! Ha!
