More Cool Book Art!

Offbeat Earth has a great collection of book creations (like the ones I've included here) called "Don't like reading? Read on..." And they have lots more you've got to go see. They're all very different and very, very cool.
Thanks to PW's "More Amazing Stuff Made of Books" for the heads up.


  1. These are sooo cool, and boy, do they ever have me running down Memory Lane! Your books and "bends" images remind me of the yuletide times when my Aunt Myrtle would magically fold Reader's Digests into Christmas trees! As the green spray paint dried, we'd sprinkle the O Tannebaumy forest with glitter in little glass bottles. Then Mert would sacrifice an old necklace or two, so we could decorate them with little shiny beads!

    Thanks for conjuring up such Ho! Ho! Ho! look-backs for me!

    P.S. Merry Christmas!


  2. And I thought books were for reading...little did I know such cool book sculptures came from books! Wow!

  3. Sparkle Farkle - Reader's Digest Christmas trees? Pictures please!

    Aren't they cool Deebi!? :) e

  4. We've got a huge collection of old dusty books that I'd love to donate for book art!

  5. cool book art way to share inspiration

  6. WOW!! What intricate art from
    books!! Very interesting and I
    have to wonder how long some projects took! Really neat - thanks for sharing!

  7. They look like they took a LOT of time on some of them. True sculptures. :) e
