New Look for and sponsors...

Did you notice has a new look? (If you subscribe via RSS, stop by and check it out at
     I've been meaning to make my design wider for some time now as that seems to be the trend of most computer monitors these days. But I'm also trying out something new. First, some background...
     Did you know I've been creating my coloring pages since May of 2007? That's almost four years now that I've been creating a new image every single Tuesday for you to download - for FREE. I love creating them for you and am thrilled you guys appreciate them so much! Thank you for all your wonderful comments, creations and support!
     I'm happy to say, Coloring Page Tuesdays has grown ridiculously popular. Here are some numbers:
over 1.5 million page loads in 2010
over 130,000 page loads per month
over 80,000 unique visitors per month
over 4,000 page views per day
over 2,500 subscribers to the weekly newsletter
     Can you believe it? Me neither!
     With numbers like that, sooo many people have asked me 'how much money do you make from your website'? (Pardon me while I clean up my spit-out milk...) It became obvious it was time to... monetize.
     That means I am going to start accepting gracious sponsors to host ads on for products and services you all use during your card-making, class time, parent time, and reading time anyway. You may notice a few white boxes around the site where they will hopefully go, like at the bottom of this post. (For any potential sponsors out there - click on a box to learn more or click the "sponsor" link on my nav bar above.)
     Don't worry - I still don't and won't share your names and/or email subscriptions with anybody (that's just wrong). But I hope you won't mind a few ads when you come by to visit.
     More than anything, I'd love to know what you think, both about the new design as well as my new endeavor. Please leave your thoughts in a comment below!! And thanks so much for your continued support!


  1. Like the new look! And as for the monetizing... it's only fair. After all, we get such great free images every week, so you might as well get a little something in return. =) I mostly follow cardmaking and crafty blogs, but I like the injection of 'regular' art and literature I get from my daily pitstop. Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much Christy! :) e

  3. Totally agree about advertising - you have a great website and put so much time into your updates and resources. All the kids at the Library still LOVE your colouring in, the Tugboat is especially cool!!
