Happy Rocks!

To quote:
Last month our family watched "Exit Through the Gift Shop." We loved it. In fact Gracie was bound and determined to become a street artist when she grew up. I tried to explain that while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn't a good thing.
So this Dad and his kids ("Z-Kids") came up with a wonderful solution.
First, they created a bunch of happy rocks:

Then they put them in places where they might make people smile:

Click ROCK ON! to view the entire, awesome collection!
Thanks to Patrick Girouard for the link.


  1. Joanna McDonald6:58 AM

    How clever & cute!! What a nice
    project for a family - and they
    thought of just about every place
    to put them - really fun!!

  2. Wonderful, Elizabeth! Thank you!!

  3. Elizabeth,
    Thanks you sooo much for the 1 1/2 hours of fun, I spent on 2 of the 3 blogs from this delightful link! Great idea for my summer class, great way to bring some smiles. If we seal them, the kids have great...paperweights to spread the cheer with!!!

    Thank you also to Z-Kids, Z-Dad and Patrick Gioruard!

  4. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing the link!

