Luv Chicken

Here's my latest Luv Monster - really a Luv Chicken. He didn't turn out as well as Luv Monster #1 and Luv Monster #2. I used a velour fabric for his body. Loved the color (a gorgeous aqua/teal), but it wouldn't hold an edge fer nuthin'. Neither would the upholstery sample I used for his belly. Hm. So, back to felt and simple cottons for the next monster. Anybody know of a good resource for non-standard colors of felt fabric?


  1. TOO cute! Love the slightly cross-eyed look.

  2. He may not be your dream, but he's pretty darn cute and for sure warm and cuddley!! Someone's gonna love him! You will see!

  3. Joanna McDonald6:00 AM

    How cute!! The pictures of the
    other two are precious too. You
    are one talented lady!

  4. Thanks guys! I don't know why I like making these things - but they make me smile! :)

  5. They make everyone else smile, too... and I'm speaking as a resident of "Chicken City" - really, we have a statue of a chicken just off the town square... :0!

  6. Oh...what a cutie!!! ~jeni :)
