Giveaway Winner!!

OMG - so I go out to play for my birthday and come home to 79 Happy Birthday wishes and comments on my Coloring Page Tuesday blog post!!?? Wowsa guys - you know how to make somebody feel loved. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Talk about a nice birthday present!!
     So, according to my random number generator, the winner of the stamp set is... (drum roll please)... Laura Visser Anderson! Woot, woot! Congratulations Laura! I've emailed her and the Ellie stamp set will be off in the mail asap.
     Meanwhile, I must respond to some of your sweet messages...

Gracie, I'm so glad you share my work by making cards for your family. Warm fuzzies!

Alethea, My birthday lasted for two weeks (as they should) - it's been awesome, thanks!

Karen, I can't think of a better way to share a happy day!

Susan B., I'm so glad you're enjoying my JustRite Stamp Sets! If the rest of you would like to see the entire collection (with links to where to buy them) CLICK HERE.

Christine, Thank you so much for sharing my images with your fellow librarians! And are you trying to make me cry? You made my day chickie.

Janae, you keep drawing!!! Hugs back.

Linda, I'm thrilled you share my images with your students! If you ever get a picture - please share and I'll post it to my blog!

Emily, You cracked me up! Sorry you didn't win this go-round.

Alex, Oh yes. I'm in complete agreement. Although I've already been playing for two weeks, so perhaps I should get back to work. Hm.

Irene, I'm so glad my simple images work well with your special needs students. That makes me so happy to know they're enjoying them. And the Kurzweil thing sounds very cool - I hope they enjoy my books too!

Andrea, Hello fellow Gemini! Must say - we rock! Happy Birthday to you too!

Allison, Yup - I've worked with two stamping companies to date. Click the above link to see my entire cling collection with JustRite. Thanks!

Creating Fun, make me smile!

Shelley, Thank you so much!

Arabella, I'm so glad you enjoy my newsletter!

Pat, Yes "44" was a hint. A very painful, but what are you gonna do, kinda hint! :)

AShu, Indeed!

Blimey, Very nice of you and thank you for the good wishes!

Lenoria, I'm so glad your grand-daughters enjoy my coloring pages!

Jennifer, You're too sweet. And trust me, you guys give me plenty. I've been quoting Sally Fields all day "You like me, you really like me!" Does a heart good.

Kimberly, I had no idea perfect peanuts were so hard to find!

Lyn, I'm so glad your grand-daughter loves my images too!

GrandmaLee, I'm so glad you know about my JustRite Stamps now! CLICK HERE to see the entire collection. And yup - they're on sale!

Carly, yes, lots of cake. Too much cake. Must go work out now...

Lynn B, Welcome!

Rufus, I'm so glad you use my images for Operation Write Home! Do y'all know about that? Click the name to find out more...

Beach Cat, you were still in the drawing!

Donna, OMG, make me tear-up why don't you? I love to hear that!

And to all of you - thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind wishes. Big fuzzy hugs to you all!!!!

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