Hubbie's Iron Butt Motorcycle Rally Progress

Since they announced the course on the Iron Butt site, I can share that this year's Rally is to visit 48 states in 11 days. Stan is making good progress already. Here's what his journey looks like so far on Spotwalla (Thursday morning). (Click the map to see it larger.) You can see his journey from Atlanta to Seattle (where I flew to see him off) and his journey since then. Last night he ended up in Topeka, Kansas. Tonight he'll end up at the first check point in Buffalo, New York. (Update: oops - he'll be in Buffalo tomorrow night. Tonight he's in Cincinnati.) He rode mostly in rain yesterday, but I can hear his smile through the phone. My crazy man is having a BLAST!


  1. Good for your husband! My husband did a ride for charity with 10 friends. They did 48 lower states in 21 days for The Children's Miracle Network. My bro-in-law created the ride. This was the third year. I can't even imagine your husband's trek!

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Kool post here! My Butt is getting sore just following Stan the Wrench! E., you are just so kind to "let" him do this crazy thing! May the force be with you both! :-)
