Pop & Lolli Wall Stickers

I love wall decals - I think they're brilliant. And here's a selection from Pop & Lolli that are ADORABLE for kids rooms! Makes me want to run to a printer and make wall stickers from all my books. Larger than life! In your face! Color, color everywhere - FUN!!! (Why won't my hubbie let me near the living room?)
Thanks to SwissMiss and CoolMomPicks for the heads up!


  1. At times like this I wish I had a Kindergarten room to teach in again... Instead I'm at the high school level, our walls are not nearly so interesting!

  2. Oh to have a little one again and decorate a room! I could do some damage at this website...definately!

  3. This post reminded me of the decals in Lynne Chapman's exhibition a couple of years ago... so much fun. I wish I could cover my house in fun characters too!

