Coloring Page Tuesday - Businessman

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     With all the talk about jobs this week, I was inspired to create a slightly different sort of coloring page for you this week. Please give me some feedback on my blog and let me know if you like him! I'm feeling lucky...
     CLICK HERE to find Back To School Images!
     Be sure to share your creations in my Coloring Page Tuesday GALLERY at! (Click the icon below.) It's not just for card-makers - it's for everybody!
     Click here to view the entire Coloring Page Tuesday collection.
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Send your colored image (less than 1mb) to and I'll post it to my blog!

     Click the iPhone to learn about my app - Lula's Brew - also available for the iPad, Nook and Kindle!


  1. Thank you very much for this gent.... he will be very useful on a lot of cards, love his 4 leaf clover
    Tilly Trotter

  2. I like the businessman. For adults (card makers, stitchers, or whatever), it's something that can be used for adults. For kids, it's a chance to expand their world. Most kids I know like having 'grownup' stuff that's not boring. This guy isn't. They could use him as any male adult they know and the clover makes him especially story-able.

  3. Dankeschön für das Freebie.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Great feedback guys - thanks!! I wasn't sure about this one - but he seems to be going over well (LOTS of downloads). :)

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Thanks for another great freebie

  6. He seems to be quite a gentleman. Thank you!

  7. The coloring stuffs are great for my niece to do when not in school or for fun.
