Jim Henson on making puppets

OMG - this is magic. Not only are the ideas simple (and great for classroom activities), but Jim sounds like Kermie as his little puppet creations come to life. How SWEET is this!? (Worth your time.)

Apparently this appeared on Public TV in 1969, BEFORE Sesame Street! (I wonder if this is pre-Kermie?)
Thanks to The Kid Should See This for the... hands up. *ahem*


  1. I feel like I've seen this before- must be a lost childhood memory but thanks for bringing it back! I loved jim hensen!

  2. I cried the day Jim Henson died. As a child of the very early 70s, I grew up immersed in Sesame Street and Jim was on my childhood list of people I wanted to meet some day. Sigh. This clip is not pre-Kermie, though... Our beloved Kermit was around in the 50s when Jim did his earliest TV show, but if I remember correctly, he was not the version of Kermit we know until the late 60s, a couple years before this clip. Thanks for the inner-child flashback. =)

  3. So the "real" Kermie and I were born about the same time! :) e

  4. Thanks for sharing this - so fun to watch! I heard the voice of the wonderful Frank Oz in that clip also. What a great creative team they were! Henson was a true genius!
