Giveaway!! GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU by Leslie Muir

Today I celebrate the release of GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU, by my friend Leslie Muir. After years of waiting, she has three books coming out all in the same year (!!!) including BARRY B WARY which we talked about back in May. I asked her about the latest...

Q. How did you come up with the idea for Gibbus Moony? I'm thinking somebody in your family had a biting issue?
A. Well, as is often the case for me, it all started with a name. Gibb's moniker popped into my head while I was staring at a gibbous moon one night. Boring, I know. But a name like Gibbus Moony seemed perfect for a wily little vampire boy. And yes, Gibb's character was also inspired by a very close family member. One of my sons was a biter at age two. He was a sweet, affectionate kid, but he'd get these big surges of energy and unfortunately tended to release that energy with his teeth! It was quite unnerving at times. I'd have to trail him during playdates because I never knew when he'd make his move and chomp a friend. Fortunately, my son grew out of the biting thing and his sweet nature carries on. Oh, the mysteries of toddlerhood!
     But truth be told, I never set out to teach any lessons with Gibb and his biting issues. Remembering that harrowing time with my son simply makes me laugh. So what's a writer to do?

Q. What was your path to publication for GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU!?
A. I had recently signed with my wonderful agent, Anna Webman, at Curtis Brown, Ltd. She promptly sent GIBBUS MOONY to an editor at Atheneum who loved the story and offered me two-book deal! Good times.

Q. What was your reaction to the fun illustrations by Jen Corace (Little Pea, Little Hoot, and Little Oink)?
A. I immediately fell head-over-heels. I love that even though Gibb and his parents are vampires with fangs and widow's peaks, Jen managed to turn them into this sweet family unit. Grandpa Waxing Moony is the cutest in his little argyle sweater! As well, I think Jen captured Gibb perfectly. She gave him a boatload of pizazz, personality and kid-appeal. And the bright, vivid color palette she used is totally toothsome.

Q. Do you have some fun Halloween stuff going on to help celebrate Gibbus' debut?
A. Yes! As a matter of fact, I'm going to be reading GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU! on October 30th (3:00 p.m.) at the stupendous independent bookstore, Little Shop of Stories, in Decatur, GA. The reading will take place right before a big Halloween parade and concert in the town square. Apparently there will be gobs of little people dressed in their Halloween best. So if anyone's in the area, throw on a costume and join us!

Thanks Leslie!!!
And yes - Leslie has kindly offered to sign a free copy of GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU to be mailed to one of my lucky readers!!! As soon as we reach 20 comments below, I'll do a random drawing. Please remember to include a contact email address - continental US only.


  1. Yay, Leslie! I'm so glad to see them all coming together. I've missed you in the Poconos, but hope to hook up now that I'm down here in the South to stay.

    My little peanut tended to chomp on the end table instead of her brother. I regret ever selling that bit of history...

    I can't wait to read GIBBUS MOONY WANTS TO BITE YOU!


    And Elizabeth, it was wonderful to meet you at WIK last weekend!

    Mary Ann

    ghostgirlwrites at gmail dot com

  2. Mary Ann! It's so great hear from you! And yes, we must meet up soon. At the very least I hope to see you at the regional Springmingle conference in Atlanta in early 2012-- now that you're a Southerner, and all.: )

    Hope all is well with you and yours.


  3. Sounds like a super fun book. And Jen Corace is one of my favorite picture book illustrators. Congrats to Leslie!

  4. This looks so adorable. Cute idea, and congrats on a great artist!

  5. This is such a wonderful book. You go girl!

  6. This looks like a fun one! Congrats, Leslie!

  7. This book looks adorable. I work at an after school program and I think my kids would get a kick out of this!

  8. What a great title and idea for a book! I'll need to go out and buy it (even though I don't have kids but writers need to support each other, right?) Go Leslie! I don't think we've actually met yet but I know about you :-)
    Elizabeth: So good to see you at WIK! And although you were rolling along in the chair- not fun for you- I'm glad I wasn't the only "gimpy " one there LOL
    Sign me up for the drawing please!

  9. Love the fact that there´s nice people writting great children books. Congrats for Leslie Muir!!!

    One quick question: do you have any stories available online? here's why: I'm a new english teacher down in Venezuela (South America) and I started teaching preschool children. Since these are small children (ages 3 to 5yrs old), they don't know how to read or write. I would love to teach them english by using songs, games, and by reading them books. If you have any of your stories online, that would be terrific!!! or if anybody out there knows of a website that offers stories in english for preschool children, please let me know.

    THANKS :)

  10. Melissa9:05 AM

    This sounds like an awesome book to add to our collection here at the library!!! Our little goblins will love this! I sure hope to win a copy!

  11. Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I so appreciate them!

    And Gail: Maybe we'll meet at a conference in the near future. : )

    123: Unfortunately, none of my stories are accessible online. If you Google "online kid's stories" there are quite a few options. Here's one that popped up:
    Sending all my best wishes to you and your students in Venezuela!

  12. Mrs. Chac11:18 AM

    Love it! I would love to share it with my students!

    - J. Chac

  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    What a delightful little book this appears to be!! I have a grandson learning to read who I think would love this book. I hope to find it available soon here in sunny Arizona. Good luck with sales.


  14. AWESOME work Leslie. I really enjoyed reading the review.

  15. Such a clever idea. Good for you, Leslie! (GREAT cover, too!)

  16. This book looks ADORABLE!!

    Thanks for the chance :D

    denni515 at charter dot com

  17. Oh wo this book sounds amazing and to be a lucky winner of a signed copy would be equally amazing. xxx

  18. We just love Halloween around here and my little one loves books so this would be a very welcome addition to our ever expanding library! Thank you for the opportunity! Either way, I can't wait to read it!

  19. Wow, sounds like a book my kids would love. Thanks for sharing the interview.

    rmpoohbear75 at gmail dot com

  20. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! It is... (drum roll please)... Denni! I've emailed her with the good news. Thanks for playing everybody! :) e

  21. Denni - You're email addy isn't working!!! Email me at elizabeth at dulemba dot com ! You have a week to get in touch... :) e

  22. I just emailed you!!

    (I'm a "net" not a "com"....oops, lol!)
