#KidlitPR Transcript

Dianne de las Casas, Katie Davis and I host the monthly #KidlitPR tweetchat on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm EST. I had to bow out because of my surgery this month (and am a week late getting this posted as a result), but Katie posted the transcript on her blog at: http://katiedavis.com/tweetchat-transcript/ . Hope to see you next month!


  1. Hi Elizabeth --

    Hope your pain in decreasing and your strength is increasing at least a little bit every day.

    Two-year-olds heal amazingly fast, for which I was both extremely grateful and slightly jealous. After three weeks, my son's arm/wrist healed enough that his purple cast could come off. At that time he was very stuck on "The Cat Came Back", so his poem was purloined from the chorus of that.

    The cast came off
    On the 15th
    The cast came off
    I think it was a Wednesday
    The cast came off --
    No more breaks, I pray!

  2. Hi Lucie,
    Yup - I'm a little bit better each day - although I'd love the speed healing of a child! :) e
