Type is Everywhere

I'm a font geek, I admit it. One of my favorite e-newsletters I get is called MyFonts.com and I collect them in my favorites folder like candy.
     I was taught to love type in college as I studied under the highly respected, international award-winning, Ron Arnholm, and I've never stopped.
     Don't think fonts are a big part of your life? Have a look...

Thanks to The Kid Should See This for the heads up!

1 comment:

  1. You can create embroidery motifs from the printable free coloring sheets. Children like crafts which they can cut and paste somewhere else. Therefore, clip arts, appliqué designs, iris folding, pieced paper crafts and quilting patterns on transfers from coloring pages and pictures, will be highly suitable. Kids who want to learn how to color should start with simple printed pages or drawings.
    Coloring Pages
