Do you have a default song?

I sing and hum. A lot. And oftentimes I catch myself humming one of about three or four songs. I call them my default songs and I've been singing/humming them my entire life. They are: Yellow Submarine; Peter and the Wolf; and God Save the Queen. (I think there's one more, but I can't think of it right now.) I have no idea why these are my defaults. I find the first song annoying, and I'm not even British. I really only like the second one. So truly, why these songs? I suppose it could be worse. I could be cursed with "Feelings." Gads.
     Do you do this too? What are YOUR default songs?


  1. sorry dont do this otherwise the whole of uk would be under water as i am rubbish at singing as my ex told me all the time. lol.

  2. I do have default songs. Oddly, one of them is Yellow Submarine. What is with that song. It is not the first pick, though. I would say, You are my sunshine is first and then Don't Fence Me In. I am really dating myself.

  3. Unfortunately my head is full of snippets and it's different if I'm whistling, humming (Bee Gees), or singing. If I would say I have any defaults for singing, it's faves from Sesame Street (old-school 70s), the School House Rock! series or from the Mary Poppins soundtrack. I also tend to have a running Disney playlist in my head. As I've often said, my inner child is alive and well, fed often, and very active. =) And if we're going to admit our weirdness... sometimes it's spoken quotes from my favorite books and movies. With accents. Maybe this is why I don't mind being alone... I self-entertain. LOL =)

  4. Christy - I can SO relate!!! Theresa - too weird! And Aunty Sue - surely you can 't be THAT bad! :) e

  5. My default songs are usually what I've heard the girl listening to. Sadly, that's been way too much Lady Gaga. Don't know what would be playing in my head w/o the kids' influence!

  6. Oh, I like it when Lady Gaga gets stuck in my head! :)

  7. I guess I'm similar to Christy Beans because my default humming song is Sesame Street. Whenever I'm working on a project and am really happy with how it's going I'll start humming. Often I don't even notice it, but my friends sure do. LOL

  8. That's a GREAT default song Tami! :) e
