Birthday School Visit

Thank you to everybody for all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday!!! It was an AWESOME day! And I kicked it off doing one of my favorite things to do - visiting kids! I spent the morning with a small group of enthusiastic young preschoolers at the Scottdale Child Development Center. We read, we colored, we laughed. Barbara Clay - the Center's Director - let them know it was my birthday, so look what they had waiting for me!!! Can you say WARM FUZZIES!? I mean, it just doesn't get any better than this...

They all pointed out which hand prints were theirs.
     Then I had lunch with my awesome friend, Vicky Alvear Shecter. (We were mostly pretty good - really!) I also had lunch with friends all week long and will have BBQs with friends and family this weekend. Forget gifties - I just want to be surrounded by the people I love!
     I rode my new bike up to Southern Sweets and got two pieces of chocolate grenache tart (gluten and dairy free) - OMG. SO good! No guilt over those calories!
     Dinner was at a fancy French restaurant where I totally went off my diet. Escargot, beef wellington, *le sigh.* You knew it had to happen at some point! But I can handle once a year.
     All in all - a most fabulous day! Thank you everybody!


  1. It was fun! And I needed my e fix! :-)

  2. Sounds like fun.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!
