Capozzi's and random acts of joy

My hubbie and I have a favorite Italian restaurant called Capozzi's. The manager knows which wines we like, the place has an awesome vibe, the portions feed us for days... we love it. But then, about a year ago I quit gluten. *sigh* Which means pasta, which meant Capozzi's. *sniff* :(
     So, imagine my delight, when we heard they had a gluten-free pasta! Wahooo!
     We went and were seated right underneath a gorgeously framed image of... a dragon that I drew back in 2010! Beware handing an artist crayons and a paper table-cloth in a restaurant. Lo and behold, they had my doodle framed!!! (I only had blue, yellow and red - if you can't see it, it's a dragon flaming a pizza and says "Bon Appetit!") What a total trip and surprise to see it there!
     But there's even more special to add to this special night... The Agnes Scott Chorale stopped by (all 50 or so of them) for a holiday dinner before their evening performance. And they used us as a warm-up audience.
     We were treated to three amazingly lovely songs... To give you an idea - all these normal looking girls were giggling, telling jokes, and THEN! It was as if all the molecules in the room froze - waiting, allowing no oxygen to flow, until they were finished. They brought tears to my eyes - seriously. As hubbie said on his facebook page:
The Agnes Scott Chorale reserved the entire middle of the restaurant we enjoyed tonight, for their Christmas dinner. They broke into hymns and carols several times, spontaneously, and then sang happy birthday to a guy in a booth who was delivered a slice of cake with a candle. Right before I was escorted out by the police, I held up my lit Bic and screamed "Freebird!"
     Whatever. It's a joke this new generation doesn't get anymore - we learned that the hard way recently.
     But seriously, wow. I've never heard "Happy Birthday" sung like that!!!
     This is what I love about where I live - these random magical happenings. It sets a high bar for the rest of life!

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