Coloring Page Tuesday - Ant Chef!

     I'm a lucky woman, I know it. My husband is a fabulous cook. And while he's great at grilling during the warmer months, its his soups in the thick of winter that feed my soul.
     How about you? Do you cook, or have a fabulous chef in your home?
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. CLICK HERE for more coloring pages. And be sure to share your creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! (They don't have to be cards - share your kids' art too!)
     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and... Please check out my books! Especially...

     Click the cover to learn about my newest picture book - Lula's Brew. She's a witch who would rather be a famous chef!


  1. Love that ant! My hubby is a better cook than I.

    So fun to see you launch the print version of another great chef this weekend - Lula! :0)

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I love your coloring pages. And Lula rocks! My dh cooks when he takes the notion, but I'm the primary chef.

    Nice work! Sue

  3. Thanks for the invite! I am new to this world of blogging. Your blog is so pretty! And thanks for the coloring pages. My three year old loves to color!

    Tami Charles
