Coloring Page Tuesday - Curious Kitty

     What do you suppose this curious cat is reading? Looks like he's up to something to me!! I haven't done a reading coloring page for you in a while - so here's my fuzzy fix!
     Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. CLICK HERE for more coloring pages. And be sure to share your creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! (They don't have to be cards - share your kids' art too!)
     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and... Check out my books...
     Click the covers to learn about my picture book, Soap, soap, soap and Soap, soap, soap ~ Jabón, jabón, jabón.


  1. My three year old says, "The Kitty Book". Thanks for the coloring page!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• .·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thank you·:*¨·••·¨*:·
    I tend to save them directly from the e-mail and forget to come over here and say thank you. My apologies - I do love your images.
    I appreciate you being so kind and sharing with us.Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent.Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome work.I hope you have a fantastic week!take care of yourself and stay warm and healty.
    sending hugs across the miles

  3. I have to echo every line that Snowbird says.

    Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

  4. Oh guys! Thank you so much for your nice comments and Sandy - for that great feedback from your son. Truly, you've all made my day!!! THIS is why I keep creating!
    Big fuzzy hugs,
