Coloring Page Tuesday - The Bird!

The Special Edition e's news celebrating the release of A BIRD ON WATER STREET went out today. CLICK HERE to have a peek!
     This week's coloring page celebrates the release of A BIRD ON WATER STREET - it's the bird from the cover designed by the amazingly talented Leslie Iorillo!
     CLICK HERE for more coloring pages! And be sure to share your creations in my gallery so I can put them in my upcoming newsletters! (Cards, kids art, and crafts are welcome!)
     Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and... Please check out my books! Especially...

my debut novel, A BIRD ON WATER STREET, coming out next week! Click the cover to learn more!
     When the birds return to Water Street, will anyone be left to hear them sing? A miner's strike allows green and growing things to return to the Red Hills, but that same strike may force residents to seek new homes and livelihoods elsewhere. Follow the story of Jack Hicks as he struggles to hold onto everything he loves most.
**A SIBA OKRA Pick!**
**A GOLD Mom's Choice Award Winner!**
**The 2014 National Book Festival Featured Title for Georgia!**


  1. So excited for you! And proud. I push your books and coloring pages on every librarian and teacher I meet, so I feel very connected to your career!

  2. Christine! That means so much to me - THANK YOU!!! And I LOVE that you feel connected - that makes me HAPPY!!!! Big fuzzy hugs, e

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Such exciting news! Congrats on the awards! Can't wait to see the book. Thanks for trying out other entry forms, this particular one never shows my name or email.

  4. Oh good! I switched giveaway companies because Rafflecopter started charging (a lot) for one of the features I used the most. :) e
