Great shout-out in today's SIBA newsletter!

The Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance helps connect authors with bookstores through their "Southern Traveling Authors Registration Service." It gets advertised in their Lady Banks' Commonplace Book newsletter. There, they feature authors who are out on tour and available for speaking engagements. They also do book reviews, announce their seasonal OKRA BOOK PICKS (of which, A BIRD ON WATER STREET is one this season). Basically, it's a fantastic resource for our southern region.
     Why do I bring all this up? Because today's Lady Banks' was all about love for A BIRD ON WATER STREET!! And I am thrilled, needless to say!


  1. Yay! You're on fire, girl!

  2. Thanks Vicky!!!! It's being pretty spectacular - must admit!! And I'm off today for book signings in the Southern Appalachians! Wahooo! :)
