Robert J. Blake Paints Bridges in Paris

Fellow children's book writer/illustrator and Midsouth SCBWI member, Robert J. Blake, recently returned from spending two years in Paris painting bridges. This is just marvelous beyond words. Enjoy!

Robert J Blake Paints the Bridges of Paris from rjb on Vimeo.

Artist Robert J. Blake set out to make plein air paintings of every bridge crossing the Seine River in Paris, France. Over a two year period he filled over 1500 sketchbook pages, and painted in rain and snow, heat and cold, and clouds and sunshine. Along the way Robert J. Blake met many interesting people and learned some fascinating things about the city.

If the embedded video gives you any trouble - click the image below to go watch the video on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I just watched this and had to share it on Facebook. This was soooo well done! Thank you so much for sharing!
