I'm the Georgia Author of the Year!

Oh wow! I am the Georgia Author of the Year in the Young Adult category for A BIRD ON WATER STREET hosted by the Georgia Writers Association! Friends James Taylor and Lynn Myers were at the awards banquet and Facebooked this photo to me:
     What a bizarre feeling to learn that you were being talked about in such a public setting and with accolades! It does my heart good to know that A BIRD ON WATER STREET is slowly getting on more people's radar and gaining momentum among readers. I can't tell you how humbled and honored I have been to have my debut novel recognized with so many awards (this makes eleven!) and to have my decade of hard work on the novel validated. This book is a tribute to the Copperhill community and it's been my pleasure to get the word out about their history through my story of Jack. I've especially been touched by the warm response from my readers, colleagues and peers, like the Georgia Writers Association. THANK YOU!!!!!
     I believe this is what the new sticker will look like. Woohoo!
      Learn more about A BIRD ON WATER STREET - click the cover.


  1. Oh, Wow! Congratulations, e! Such A powerful, well researched, heartfelt story! It SO needed to be told! The people Of Copperhill deserved recognition, as did your tremendous efforts and talented Writing! Bravo!!!

  2. Thank you Donna!!! Sending hugs from afar - MISS YOU! :) e

  3. Congratulations Elizabeth, I just finished the book yesterday and literally feel like I was there with Jack, such a beautiful book for all. Our book club is loving it as well. Best of luck on your new journey.

  4. MaryG - You made my day! Thanks so much for sharing. PM me your mailing address and I'll send you some bookmarks for your club. (Let me know how many of you there are!) Cheers! e

  5. A hard-earned and well-deserved accolade, Elizabeth. We're so very proud of you!

  6. Thank you!!! Wouldn't have been possible without you and Little Pickle Press!!!

  7. Congratulations!
