
Every year at Hollins University, several of us road trip down to Floyd, Virginia (worth the click) for an evening of fine entertainment. Here I am with Karen Coats and Stan.
Ashley caught up with us a bit later and painted a picture of a great up-and-coming band called Big Virginia Sky.
Floyd is part farmer, part hippie, part bluegrass, part mountain - a sweet little town where all sorts of folks gather on weekends to play music. The sidewalks are set up with little insets to make room for all the groups who want to play and the folks who want to listen.
There are formal and impromptu stages scattered all around town.
Most of the folks are amateurs playing for fun. One of the best groups hangs out in front of the public bathroom.
Tourists meander from band to band enjoying the different tunes (mostly bluegrass). I counted seven bands outside that night, but I think I missed some.
Or you can go into the Country Store.
I think it's been there longer than the town. Crowds gather inside like sardines waiting for the primo bands to play.
Because these are the bands you can clog to. And the most unlikely folks get up and get stomping'! I'm pretty decent at faking it, but I'm quickly reminded how horrible I am at clogging when I try to copy the folks around me on the dance floor who know what they're doing. Ellen and Delia gave it a good try too.
That first summer trying to clog in rubber-soled shoes convinced me I needed a good pair of cowboy boots - we all wear them there: Me, Ashley, Chip and Sheree.
What a great night. It's like magic to be surrounded by friends and that much heel kicking' music!

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