Mortar Boards...

I've been collecting creative mortar boards I've found around Edinburgh...enjoy!
This one sits in front of what we've dubbed The Lobster Bar (really The Café Royal) because of the lobster on the sign. Both sides of their mortar board are inspired.

Found this one down in Stockbridge.
This one is on Rose Street on my way to school.
This one is inside the Barony - our closest pub.
And finally, this one was in The Esplanade Bar in Porty.
Yes, there is a predominant theme - this is Edinburgh after all!


  1. So many signs I see on FaceBk were taken from churches. So glad to have a new source and perception. Keep them coming. What a wonderful collection to start.

  2. I loved that you call these mortar boards, the street one kind, are know around here as sandwich boards.

  3. I suppose that works too, Faith. Although around here, folks are rarely talking about sandwiches! Ha! :) e
