Christmas in Edinburgh!

It gets dark pretty early in Scotland - it's pitch black by 4:00pm. To counter that, Edinburgh lights the town back up for Christmas! There are TWO Christmas villages within walking distance from our flat. The first one hosts a double decker carousel.
An ice skating rink...

which circles around a pop-up pub where they serve mulled wine and hot toddies.
I walk through this festive event every day as it's right at the top of our hill on the way to school. Talk about some Christmas spirit!
      The other Christmas village is down on Princes Street. Stan and I visited that one during the daytime. It also has an ice-skating rink and tons of stands where you can buy gifties of all kinds... or more mulled wine.
There's also a very grown-up carousel there, where you can buy (you guessed it) mulled wine, grab a pony and watch the world go by. Stan LOVES Christmas here!
I dropped by the Princes Street Christmas Village with a friend later when it was dark. It lights up like the... Sun? Who needs it when we have THIS!?


  1. Wow! Mulled wine on the street. Now I'm jealous. :) Have a great holiday!

  2. That looks awesome! And delicious!

  3. Melissa, you should see the german sausages and pretzels! Oh and crepes, and hot chocolate too! :) e
