My TEDx Talk is this Thursday!

This is the week! My TEDx Talk is this Thursday!!! My topic is:
Is Your Stuff Stopping You?
     Award-winning author, illustrator, teacher and student Elizabeth Dulemba recently sold or gave away nearly everything she owned. And yet, she’s no minimalist. She’ll walk you through how she did it, and share how you too can open yourself to opportunities by evaluating your stuff – debunking the illusion of value we place on material possessions. Why do this? To answer the question "Is your stuff stopping you?"
     Am I nervous? A little, must admit. The auditorium holds 700 guests on two levels. That will be the largest audience I've ever addressed, but I've been practicing and I think I'm ready! Click the above image to learn more about the event. And please...
Wish me luck!!!
     They record these talks, so if it goes well, I'll be sharing the link soon!


  1. When I was in highschool I was on the drama and debate team. It must have been an accident but I made it to state (in TX). The audience was not quite that large but I was a lot less experienced than you. Someone told me to visualise all of them sloppy drunk with straws up their noses. Not sure it worked but I made it to semi-finals anyway. They (your audience) want you to secede. They are not your enemy. I love and believe in you and I know you'll be brilliant. You'll smile and breath every so often just to let yourself know you've made it to the world stage. No stopping you now.

  2. Just be your wonderful interesting talented self. They'll love you!

  3. You'll carry it through beautifully, e---looking forward to the podcast!

  4. It WILL go well, and we will look forward to the link! You make us all proud. Lots of X's and O's from here, Friend.

  5. Lynne - I bet you were fabulous! And I love the imagery! HA!
    Karen - Thank you!!!
    Anni - I'll share the link when it's live... IF I did well... :)
    Robyn - I'm feeling the love! All y'all's vibes will pull me through - I just know it!
    THANK YOU!!!!
    Big fuzzy hugs,

  6. Break a leg, E!

    I'm excited for the recording!

  7. Their there to listen to you and to learn, you'll be FABULOUS!

  8. Janie Bynum11:20 AM

    e: I've been thinking about you... being inspired by your "casting off," but gaining so much in that process... You'll be brilliant. Just imagine that audience as all your author/illustrator friends wanting to know how you did this HUGE thing. I'm inspired. xo

  9. I have no doubt YOU will be great! Your natural enthusiasm & love of life will come shining through. You are my hero!!! Much love to you dear friend, and I will see you in Bologna!

  10. Anonymous6:12 PM

    You will be wonderful!! Really looking forward to the link! Martha

  11. You got this :-) Try to enjoy it!

  12. Anonymous12:43 PM

    SO excited about this topic, your travels, and the upcoming link so that we can hear it too!!! You are placed here to share the joy and light within, so SHINE ON!!!

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The best of luck. I'm always inspired by your blog!

  14. Anonymous10:00 AM

    You will be great!!!


  15. Jen, Daffodil, Janie, Susan, Martha, Karen, and Anonymous x2 - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I walked onstage wearing all your good wishes - it helped, it really did! Hugs, e
