Screen Printing at the University of Edinburgh!

I shared the beginning stages of this project HERE - doing linocuts for relief prints. Here's the next phase. I scanned the relief prints and enlarged them to be printed onto trace, or tracing paper.
Sally walked us through the process of then burning our images into the screens, which is similar to photography. You're burning the image through the emulsion and you do that in a dark room, so, no pictures of that. Sometimes have wee spots that need covering up. Anywhere light gets through, paint gets through. So you do a stage of touch-up.
Then you mix your inks. There's a white base, which looks a lot like pudding. And then you drip the pigments in, literally drop by drop. You can see my color palette here. I chose to go with one of my fave colors first - orange.
Sally did a demo for us to show us how to afix our fabric to the printer table, weight our screen on top, apply enough ink, and drag it across our screen.
It has been nearly 25 years since I worked at Buster Brown Apparel, where I did screen printing almost every day. But the memories flooded back. I actually recalled the correct pressure and ended up with a fabulous result - WOOHOO!
It's not perfect to a trained eye, but I was absolutely thrilled. My fox will become a pillow soon - more on that later!

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