Robyn Hood Black's artsyletters

Just in time for Christmas! I'm happy to feature a crafty friend who creates art, jewelry and the perfect gifts for the writer in your life. Introducing Robyn Hood Black's artsyletters!

Guest blog post from Robyn Hood Black – artsyletters
(Click an item image to view it in Robyn's online store.)

      I’m honored to drop into E’s blog today, waving from my artsyletters studio in balmy Beaufort, South Carolina, on the Southeastern coast of the USA. I know our gracious host is covered up in reading, illustrating, and writing that Masters dissertation, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.
      Elizabeth and I have crossed paths many wonderful times over the years, initially+ through the Southern Breeze region of SCBWI and even being in the same critique group a few years back. While I miss having her in my corner of the world, I sure enjoy these virtual trips to beautiful Scotland, and I’m so proud of her passion and initiative. (You rock, e!)
      I’m here this week because she invited me to give a holiday shout-out about my gifts for readers and writers. As a poet and children’s author (you can read about that side of my life here – ), I love making art that celebrates words, letters, books and writing. In 2012 I opened my Etsy shop and began filling it with original drawings, prints, mixed media collages, bookmarks, and note cards, all celebrating reading and writing. I also sold work at local art shows.
      In 2014 I moved to the SC Lowcountry and claimed for my studio an upstairs office space in an 1889 building smack in the middle of our charming little downtown, across the street from the Waterfront Park. Ahhhhh. Spanish moss dripping from live oaks, sea birds wheeling in the sky, and historic buildings around every corner. It’s heavenly.
      As I’ve become more involved in the poetry world, I’ve made more mixed media collages featuring found poems from clipped vintage texts. I also create typewriter key jewelry, and anything that strikes my fancy and fits my tagline of “literary art with a vintage vibe.” Each piece I make has its own story. It’s exciting and humbling to handle old books - or keys or watch parts or bits of hardware – and wonder who has touched them before? Where did that person live, and what was going on in the world at the time? I’m particularly drawn to Victorian and early 20th Century texts and treasures.
      My latest endeavors have included making glass cabochon jewelry with marbled endpapers from the mid-1800s. What stories those colorful swirls could tell! I’m always adding to my inventory, with more ideas and projects than there are hours in the day to complete them. If you drop by, please check back from time to time and see what’s new!
      Many thanks, e, for letting me come over to play today. Wishing everyone a holiday season filled with joy, and all your favorite things.

     In October, Robyn led a "Found Poem Makerspace Workshop" for participating poets and and the public in Bellingham, Washington, as part of Western Washington University's "Poetry Camp."
Thanks for sharing Robyn! Miss you!


  1. The bookmarks I ordered for some writer/editor friends just arrived, and they're gorgeous! And giving-ready, wrapped beautifully. Thank you, Robyn!

  2. Thank YOU, Laura - & so glad you like them! :0)

  3. Fantastic! Woot, woot! :) e
