Little Pickle Press now an Imprint at Sourcebooks Jabberwocky

I'm thrilled by the good news that the publisher of my historical fiction A BIRD ON WATER STREET, Little Pickle Press, will now be an imprint of Sourcebooks/Jabberwocky in the capable hands of my friend, Editor Kelly Barrales-Saylor. What does this mean? A letter at the Little Pickle website from owner Rana Diorio says,
"The partnership with Sourcebooks not only validates all that we’ve accomplished but also gives us the benefit of an “800-lb. gorilla”—with a dedicated sales force covering the trade, as well as schools and libraries, and gift and specialty markets—to further our interests. Our powerful partner will now be the driving force behind our legacy business, leveraging strong industry relationships to place our stories in the hands of more children..."
      The main company has been renamed to March 4th to broaden its impact in various marketplaces. CLICK HERE to read the public announcement.
      So, what does this mean to me? It means my book will now have a more powerful marketing team and force behind it, getting it into the hands of more readers. I am thrilled about that! I also happen to be a long-time fan of Sourcebooks and am very proud to now be associated!


  1. This is fantastic news!!!!!

  2. Congrats. Wonderful news. Calls for a celebration.

  3. We're excited to have you join the Sourcebooks Jabberwocky team!
