Formative Assessment Time Again!

Gads, the end is looming! We're halfway through the final semester for my MFA in Illustration. It's Formative Review time! That means I'm starting to finish up many of my projects. Wowsa. Here's what it looks like:

Here you can see my sketchbooks; the continuation of my "What is Heart Art?" project, which is turning into a book; It's How I Say I Love You, the hand-drawn, hand-painted, concertina mock-up; my completed Marginal Creatures book, 4 copies; two mock-ups of a new-to-you project, Me and the Wolf: Living With Pain; a mock-up of MerBaby's Lullaby, a board book I'm working on with Jane Yolen; my Animal Alphabet blocks - the book mock-up is missing so I'll need to redo that for my final show; my textiles project PILLOWS!; my Lady Liberty protest poster, which is also turning into a book; and my Creative Leftovers, which will be an art book gathering all the art doodads I've created that really didn't fit anywhere else. WHEW! We'll this all comes together for the final exhibition!


  1. Love the pillows!!

  2. Thanks sweetie! I'll be selling them during the exhibit. :)

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    What an awesome accomplishment!!! kudos, Martha (from Denver Public Library and the Author Visits...)

  4. Aw - thanks Martha! Lovely to hear from you!
