Francelia Butler Conference

Saturday was the annual Francelia Butler Conference - run completely by graduate students at Hollins University. No dementors allowed.
The Francelia Butler Conference (FBC for short) is a long-standing tradition and opportunity for students to present their academic papers, creative works-in-progress, and illustrative process. That part is new this year and a welcome addition to the art show.

The conference has become the official venue to announce the winner of the Margaret Wise Brown Prize in Children's Literature. This year's winner was Adam Rex for School's First Day of School, which I featured HERE.
We got to catch up later at the banquet and after parties, although I don't have photos of those!
     The students really go all out for the conference. They make awesome decorations.

And inspired treats.
All semester we contribute books and hand-made items to the auction that helps fund the conference every year. Here's student Shawn Walton showing this year's offerings.
Some of the items are quite impressive, like a signed print by David Wiesner, and an original painting by Brian Lies! Here is Co-Director of the program Ruth Sanderson, with students Marilyn Mallue and Lucy Rowe. The students have a competition for the t-shirt designs.
And this year, there was a sketch-off. Ashley and I participated. The theme was "the Cheshire Cat tap dancing." I couldn't figure out why everybody was laughing until they called time. Ashley and I had drawn the exact same thing, and apparently in almost perfect syncronicity - the smile and shoes and nothing else. Because, y'know, it was the Cheshire Cat.
I love the conference. Each year I enjoy the talks, while drawing personalized notes for students and all the folks I'm so grateful to have in my life here at Hollins. Good job guys - it was another awesome conference!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the photos. The Francelia Butler Conference was great this year. I love the format of the new feature, The Illustrator Spotlight. Congratulations to all the great student artists and writers!
