New Desk, New Friends, Old Ones Too...

Today is the official start date of my studies as a PhD student, studying Children's Literature under the School of Education at the University of Glasgow! As a PhD student, I get a designated desk - in a room with a lock on it - on a floor where undergrads seldom wander. I even get my own computer! It feels quite serious.
Behind me are two windows with lovely views. Here is to the left.
And here is the sports pitch to the right where I get to hear the joyful noise of kids playing on pretty days. I'm going to love that come spring.
I'm not sure how often I'll be at this lovely desk, since I'll be commuting from Edinburgh and the train is expensive. But it's nice to have.
     Meanwhile, I've already been attending several compulsory workshops, where I've made friends with fellow PGR students (that would be "Post-graduate Research" students). We've already formed a pack. This is our second lunch, this time at the Hanoi Bike Shop (more Vietnamese grub - yum!).
My new friends are Yun from China (Philosophy), Dana from the states (Creative Writing), Saskia from Germany (Law), and Yours Truly (Children's Lit).
     But don't worry - I haven't left my old friends behind! I recently stopped by the new MFA space in the old Firehouse Museum (groovy space, but totally different vibe from when I was there) and had lunch with several of my MFA classmates. It was so fun to reconnect and we're hoping to form a regular salon to keep inspiring each other. Hopefully, I'll have more to share about that before too long! Here's Pilar, Harriet, and me on a sunny day in Edinburgh. (Photo by Katie Chappell.)

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