Thanksgiving Edinburgh Salon

This was our 3rd year to host the Edinburgh Salon Thanksgiving Feast. We - hah! It was Stan and Connie and they were flying!
I love hosting the salon because folks pay to have Connie (and Stan) cook for them. So everybody shows up, and on time, and the rule is everybody leaves before the witching hour that would disturb the neighbors. It's a perfect party really. And best of all, there's a regular crowd of us that attend these and we've all become good friends. Many have hosted salons themselves, like Allen and Terri, here with Deborah and Penelope.
Some folks only come every once in a while and it's lovely to catch up. Here are Jane, Chris, and been too long Mel and Antony.
And there are always some new folks in tow. Here are Rob (new), Suzanne, Dan (new), and Alex. Did I get their names right?
The feast was a right and proper Southern-style Thanksgiving dinner with shrimp and salmon mousse appetizers, turkey, ham, nut-loaf, sweet potato casserole with both marshmallows (a must for our UK friends) and pecan crumble, lemon green beans, potatoes in duck fat (okay, that is the UK addition), gravy, home-made cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and pumpkin cheese-cake. WOWSA!
Stan and Connie really outdid themselves. EVERY dish was sublime and everybody dug in with gusto!

Of course, the best thing about the salons is cathing up with friends.

Towards the end we asked what everybody was thankful for. "Connie" was the number one answer as we have all so enjoyed this marvelous gathering of friends and good food that she makes possible for us every month. Thank you, Connie!


  1. I think I would prefer salmon mousse to "salmon mouse"!!!


  2. Oh dear! I shall change the spelling right away! Hehe. :)

  3. What a wonderful event!!!!! Miss you!
