Cold Ice and Warm Friends

One of my writing buddies and her hubby are in town - Janice and Tom Hardy. I've hosted Janice on my blog many times. She's the author of The Healing Wars Trilogy and some great books on writing at Fiction University. She's also been one of my first readers for some of my works-in-progress. (I'm one of her's too!) So, to have her in town to play is an absolute TREAT!
That said, I have been buried in work and studying, so I really needed a play-date. Friday, we met for lunch at Dishoon, overlooking the ice-skating-rink at St Andrew Square, then headed down George Street to see the Blue Dome...
And the ICE-SCULPTURES!!! The building is kept at a frigid -10° to keep the art safe. And I am so glad because they were GORGEOUS!!! The first sculpture you see as you walk in is the national animal of Scotland - the Unicorn. (Seriously.)
You follow a winding path that leads you past a Celtic Cross with fairies...
Wojtek the real ice bear...
Amazing deer...
A gorgeous sheep about to be a wolf's lunch (notice the ice-thistles)...
And being Scotland, of course there were the Kelpies...
And Mary Queen of Scots about to have her head cut off, because nothing says Christmas like... yeah, it was a little strange...
There were photo-ops too, like Janice as an Ice Hairy Coo...
And thrones at the end that were - ahem - COLD!!! OMG!!!!
All said, the whole thing was very cool...Bwahahaha! Yeah, you can smack me for that one. Hehe.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I want to come for this next year - looks awesome!!
