Longer days in Glasgow

Scotland is way far north. So much so, days get very short in the winter and very long in the summer. Those longer days arrive like candy for the soul! I've had fun capturing how it looks in Glasgow. Here's the uni. The setting sun turns the stone buildings to gold here.
For all those who wonder if Glasgow inspired Harry Potter, I hope this removes all doubt.
I thought this sign, which reads, "World Changers Welcome: Who Will You Become?" with the sun setting behind it was especially lovely.
I have an evening class in Glasgow, which means I oftentimes see some pretty crazy things on the Subway as I'm heading home. Like this group of 20-somethings in costumes, with balloons, going I-don't-know-where, hanging like monkeys in the train car. There was a chicken, a pirate, a mermaid, a soldier, dalmations and Cruella DeVille, etc. How fun!
Meanwhile, back in Edinburgh, Scotland just beat England in the 6 Nations Rugby finals and our neighbors are makin' a victorious ruckus! Woohoo!

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