Sunshine in Edinburgh!

I've been trapped in my tower (a.k.a. 'wee flat') writing end-of-semester papers (I'm on my 3rd!), so was thrilled at the chance to get outside yesterday. SCBWI hosted a Scrivner workshop. I've been using Scrivner for years, but I knew I wasn't using it to its full advantage. And much of my thesis is happening in Scrivner as well. So, this was an extremely helpful seminar!
     It took place at the George IV Bridge Central Library, which required a walk across town on a beautiful, sunny Saturday - YAY! I wasn't the only one enjoying the beautiful day. This is what happens when sunshine comes to Edinburgh. This is Princes Street Gardens...
And the hillside covered in daffodils.
Performers were out as well, including these two young lads who played a mean bagpipe! (Click the image to watch and listen on Youtube.)
And best of all, St. Andrew Square, which is the one at the top of my hill.
I found an empty lounge chair in front of the Costa and drew for a bit. I needed the Vitamin D and actually got a bit of sun. Ahhhhhh - needed that!

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