Cards at Hollins

Every year at Hollins, I make cards for my friends to thank them for their kindnesses, birthdays, and such. I've just completed my first batch and thought I'd share.
     These cards also gave me a chance to experiment with some paints I keep at Hollins. They are water-mixable oils. I was inspired by Chris Mould's use of biro pen illustrations with acrylic on top. Apparently, the ink line shows through the paint, which I found intriguing and wanted to try for myself.
     It did work, although I have to admit, I am not in love with the paints themselves. They're easy to use, but being somewhere in between water and oil, I was unsure about adding varnishes and such, and they also seem to take forever to dry. So, they'll probably stay at Hollins.
     That said, I was rather pleased with this first batch of cards. The first one goes to Amanda Cockrell, our program director who is retiring this year. She collects El dia de los muertos imagery, so I love creating skeletons for her every year.
The next is for my dear friend Candice Ransom, who loves Disney and gave a great talk on the "Golden Book" era Disney creators the other day. This is my version of Bambi.
I was inspired by some owls in Candice's talk, which I painted up for Rhonda Brock-Servais. Our birthdays are only a few days apart, so we make sure to celebrate each year.
And finally, a thank you for Laura Hawley, assistant to the VP who helped so much with my travels to Bologna and Picture Hooks this past year.
I'll turn these into coloring pages at some point, and I'll also keep sharing as I create more cards, because I have several more I need to do!

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